Icebocce Court Standard Rules
For Leagues and Tournament Play
The Icebocce Court Standard Rules are defined for League and Tournament play. Applicable rules should be used for Social Play.
Icebocce Terms

- A team on the court has a maximum of 4 players – 2 stationed at each end of the court – with each player throwing 2 dysks. Players are not allowed to switch during a game. A team may have one or more substitute (alternative) players on the team. (For mixed teams, a team on the court consists of 2 women maximum and 2 men maximum at all times.)
- A team may play a match if only 2 or 3 players are present, however, no player is permitted to throw more than 2 dysks (a penalty of 2 dysks per missing player). A team without at least two players present at the scheduled game start time forfeits the game with zero points and the opponent is awarded 12 points.
- A team must have one player designated as the team captain. The team captain participates in the coin toss and assigns players to their position on the court for the match. The team captain may designate a player as an “end captain” for the end opposite that of the captain. Only the team captain or an end captain may go on the court for measurements.
Coin Toss
- Begin the match with the flip of a coin between the captains of each team. The winner of the coin flip has the first toss of the jack and chooses the color of the team’s disks.
- If playing the same team in the next game, players must switch ends between games and the winning team throws the jack to start next game (players may be replaced by substitutes, however, a player never plays 2 consecutive games from the same end of the court). If playing a different team, play starts over with the coin toss and players may be reassigned as desired by the captain.
Jack Throw
- The jack is the first dysk put into play and is thrown from behind the pointing foul line. The jack may be bounced off the sideboards.
- The jack must end up across the center line and at least 12 inches away from the sideboards or backboard without hitting the backboard. If a thrower fails to do this, the throw goes to other team. If the second throw fails to place the jack into play, the jack is placed approximately in the center of the hitting foul line at the opposite end of the court in order to speed up play.
- If a player throws jack and/or first dysk when other team should throw the jack, the dysks are returned and the frame starts over.
- Once jack is in play, the jack can be knocked anywhere on the court except back over the center line or out of the court (frame ends, play resumes at opposite end, and same team throws the jack).
Dysk Throws
- The initial jack thrower always throws the first dysk. All dysks are thrown underhand. If the first dysk hits the backboard without hitting the jack first, the dysk is removed and the team throws again until they have a dysk in play.
- Except for hitting, all dysks are thrown from behind the pointing foul line. Any disk released behind the pointing foul line is considered a throw for points. Any dysk released beyond the pointing foul line and before the hitting foul line is considered a throw to hit or strike other dysks. Foul Line rules apply.
- Each succeeding dysk is thrown by the team that does NOT have the dysk closest to the jack. A team whose dysk ties the opponent’s closest dysk must throw again. The “IN” team only throws if opponents have thrown all 4 dysks. Team members can throw in any order.
- Hitting or striking is permitted. A player must first inform the official referee (or their opponent if there is no official referee) that they intend to go past the pointing foul line to deliver a “hit” or “strike” (a hard underhand throw directly at the dysks on the court and released before crossing the hitting foul line for the purpose of moving the opponent’s dysks or the jack). The thrown dysk is removed from play even if the dysk doesn’t hit another dysk, the jack or the backboard. Foul Line rules apply.
- Dysks may be bounced off or played against sideboards.
- A dysk hitting the backboard without first touching the jack or another dysk is a dead dysk and is removed from play. Standard Penalty #1 applies.
- If a player throws wrong color dysk, it is replaced with a correct color dysk after the dysk comes to rest.
- If a player throws when the other team should throw or throws more than 2 dysks, that dysk is removed from play. Standard Penalty #1 applies.
- If a player throws when other team should throw because of a miscall by the Referee, the dysk is returned and the correct player throws. Standard Penalty #2 applies.
- If a team’s legally thrown dysk is interfered with while moving by someone or something not on the playing surface before the throw, the dysk is returned to be thrown again. If possible, any dysks moved by the throw are reset to their approximate original position. If dysks are sufficiently moved that the approximate original positions can not be determined, the frame is replayed. However, if the interference is caused by a team member, the dysk is removed from play. Standard Penalties #2 applies.
- If a team’s legally thrown dysk is moved (accidentally or intentionally) from its resting position by an opposing player or referee before the points are determined and the end of the frame is declared, it is reset to its approximate original position. If the dysk is sufficiently moved that the approximate original position can not be determined, the offended team has the option to leave the dysks as they lay or replay the frame.
- If a team’s legally thrown dysk is moved from its resting position (accidentally or intentionally) by a team member, the dysk is removed from play. Standard Penalty #1 applies.
- The person(s) doing the measuring must press and rotate dysks and the jack before measuring to mark their original position on the court surface. If a dysk or jack is accidentally moved while measuring, it is replaced to its original marked position.
- A dysk, for whatever reason, that goes out of the court is a dead dysk and is removed from play for that frame.
- If a dysk rolls over while in motion, or comes to rest on its side or top, the dysk is removed from play. Standard Penalty #1 applies.
- If a dysk is broken in play, the teams use the “Spirt of Icebocce” to decide where the dysk(s) should be placed. If agreement cannot be reached, the end will be replayed.
- Should a handle completely separate from a dysk during delivery, the delivering player has the option of either allowing the play to stand, or of redelivering the dysk after any displaced dysks have been replaced to their positions prior to the incident taking place.
- Volo shooting (lofting the dysk in the air beyond the center line of the court) is not permitted.
Foul Lines
- Pointing and Hitting foul lines must be clearly marked across the playing surface for foul line violations to be officially called and penalties applied.
- Players may step on but not over the proper foul line before releasing the jack or a dysk. (Toe of foot can not exceed the width of the foul line mark.)
- If a player’s toe exceeds the width of the proper foul line before releasing a dysk (Iecbocce dysk or jack), they will receive one warning. Subsequent fouls will result in nullifying the jack throw or removal of the thrown dysk from play. Standard Penalty #1 apply.
Standard Penalties
- For the violation of any rule that requires the removal of a dysk from play, that dysk is immediately removed from play until that frame has been completed. The violation must be called and the dysk removed before the next dysk is thrown. If the dysk is not removed before the next dysk is played, the dysk remains in play for the rest of the frame.
- If possible, any dysks moved because of the action of the violation dysk are reset to their approximate original position. If dysks are sufficiently moved that the approximate original positions can not be determined, the opposing team has the option to leave the disks as they lay or replay the frame.
- The official score for frame is determined after all 8 dysks have been played and measured to the captains’ satisfaction. One point is awarded for each dysk of a team that is closer to the jack than the opponent’s closest dysk (1 to 4 points).
- The team that scores in the last frame throws the jack in the next frame and play continues as above.
- If each team’s closest dysks are tied, no score is made and play continues at the opposite end with the team scoring the point(s) in the previous frame delivering the jack.
- The team that first scores 12 points, wins the game.
- Matches are determined by the league or tournament and may be by games won, 2 out of 3 games, 3 out of 5 games, etc. A typical match is 3 games.
- It is the responsibility of each team player to obtain a substitute and notify the Team Captain if they can not play a scheduled game.
- Substitutes must be extra players on the team or on the League Substitute Roster. A team player who is playing a scheduled game that week may not substitute on another team. (Optional: Team players that are not scheduled to play that week may be used for substitutes if the roster substitutes are not available).
- Substitutions may only be made between games or between frames. A late arriving missing player or substitute may enter the game in a vacant position at any time between frames.
- A team with 4 players on the court may make up to four substitutions between games but only one substitution during a game. A player replaced during a game cannot reenter that game or the next game.
Team Captains
- The team captain participates in the coin toss and assigns players to their position on the court.
- The team captain may designate a player as an “end captain” for the end opposite that of the captain.
- Only the team captain or an end captain may go on the court for measurements. A captain may observe and call for measurements to determine the official score for a frame.
- A captain may approach on the sideline outside the court and observe the positions of dysks in play. A captain after observing the dysks, must return behind the pointing foul line and may only use hand signals to instruct partners at opposite end of court.
- Only the captain or a designated player from each team (a total of two players) shall return dysks for the next frame after points have been determined.
- The team captain is responsible for assuring that the team’s points are posted correctly and for reporting final game scores to the record keeper.
Team Players
- Players must remain behind the hitting foul line at all times except the thrower may go out to the center line just prior to throwing to observe the position of dysks on the court.
- Players may request an “IN” count or a measurement at any time. An “IN” count is not official until all 8 dysks have been played and necessary measurements made.
- Players may converse with one another but only with players on their end of the court. Only hand signals may be used with players at the opposite end of the court.
- Players shall not talk to or interfere with a thrower on the court prior to the release of the dysk. When the thrower is on the court, all other players must be off the court.
- No player may go up to the dysks and instruct a team player how or where to throw the dysk.
- Player practice after the game start time is limited to one complete frame in each direction.
- To preserve the condition of the ice court, players shall minimize walking on the court and not wear ripple or spiked sole shoes.
Official Referees (typically used in sanctioned tournaments)
1. Referees shall be qualified Icebocce experts and fully knowledgeable of the league/tournament rules.
2. Referees shall have a copy and enforce all game rules.
3. All “IN” determinations and measurements are made by the Referee. (Measurements may be made with any device that reliably and repeatedly indicates the difference between the measurements.)
4. The referee determines the points for each frame and reports the point score to scorekeepers.
5. The referee shall not give advice to either team or coach players as to where to direct their throw.
6. The referee has the final word in disputes and must document any formal objections/protests for future action by the club/league/tournament committee.
Formal objections/protests must be made by the team captain before the next dysk is played.
7. A referee for valid reasons may allow a time-out up to 10 minutes maximum.
8. The official referee has the option, after one or more warnings to the player and team captain, to eject a player for continued rule violations, arguing, or disrupting play.
Team Play Without Official Referees
- Team Captain assigns team members to each end of court. Team Captain appoints one of the team members at the opposite end of the court to be the ‘End Captain’ for that end. The Team Captain is the ‘End Captain’ for their end of the court.
- The End Captain determines who throws and in what order for the team members on their end of the court.
- The End Captain of each team at the non-throwing end of the court stand at the side of the court near the jack and serve as the referees (Official Referee rules apply). If they agree on the ‘IN’ color they notify the other end of which color should throw. If they disagree, they measure and then notify the other end of which color should throw. The same procedure applies to determining the point count. The End Captains report the point score to scorekeepers.
- The End Captains are the only 2 people allowed on the court to make measurements, determine points, and return dysks. All other players must remain behind the end backboards at these times.
- The End Captains refereeing can not verbally coach their team members on the throwing end, however, they can give hand signals but only from the side of the court. They can respond on the court to a thrower’s question as to which disks are ‘IN’.
Local Rules
- Due to specific local conditions, a club, league, or tournament may add additional local environmental rules relative to safety, behaviors, equipment use, court grooming, noise, footwear, dress, uniforms, etc.
- Due to specific local conditions, a league or tournament may add additional local operational rules relative to officials, protests, non-playing captains/coaches, spectators, records, scorecards, tie-breakers, missing players, substitutions, breaks/time-outs, weather delays, delay-of-game, etc.